The past 18 months have been stressful for all of us.  The pandemic has brought much uncertainty.  It is reported that 74% of us in the UK felt so stressed that we felt unable to cope. With almost one in three having suicidal thoughts. Stress is commonly thought of a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from demanding circumstances. Stress is a completely normal part of being a human and is necessary.  The problems arise when we feel overwhelmed by stress.

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There are a number of reasons why people develop driving nerves.  Often they can be result of being involved in a car accident or know someone who has been in a car accident, or even watching a car crash on TV.  Read more

This article appeared in My Weekly Special. Prolonged stress has significant health problems, such as; high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and heart problems.  What steps can you take to reduce your stress levels?

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